Brightstone Legal was established in Sydney, Australia with the goal of providing practical legal solutions to our clients. We have a team of skilled and experienced lawyers who deliver tailored services across various practice areas to best meet our clients’ needs.

Our founding vision is that we are more than just a law firm, and our lawyers are more than just employees.

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/ Services tailored to best accommodate clients’ needs

No two clients are the same and it is vital to understand the client’s business outlook and requirements to ensure advice and services that are best tailored to suit their needs.

/ We build long-term relationships with our clients

We believe that the key to success is building relationships that go beyond single engagements and providing value to our clients on a consistent, ongoing basis. We believe that trust can be built upon long term service and cooperation.

/ A law firm valued by its professionals and support staff

At Brightstone, we understand the value of our lawyers and support staff and advocate a healthy and dynamic working environment that ultimately benefits our clients. Therefore, only the most qualified and experienced lawyers and their team are invited to join Brightstone Legal and we always highly appreciate the values to our firm that they bring.

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October 2019

Line 7

Alex Cao and Nicholas Lam join our team as professional solicitors. Alex has extensive experiences and diversified client rosters in his areas of expertise and will further strength our team especially in the areas of criminal law and traffic matters. Nicholas also has deep knowledge in the commercial sectors and will be a big supplement to our commercial team.

June 2018

Line 7

We expanded our office by moving to St Martins Tower at 31 Market Street Sydney for an even better working environment and customer services.

May 2017

Line 7

We opened our first offshore office at Chengdu, China where we can better serve our PRC clients.

Ethan Wang Principal Solicitor and Managing Director at Brightstone Commercial Law, Corporate Advisory, Financial Services, Real Estate, Notary Public

Ethan Wang

Principal Solicitor | Managing Director | Public Notary
Effy Li Principal Solicitor at Brightstone Real Estate, Commercial Law and Corporate Advisory

Effy Li

Principal Solicitor
Alex Cao e1658802222903

Alex Cao

Partner Solicitor
Shuonan Zhao Partner Solicitor at Brightstone Family Law, Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Shuonan Zhao

Partner Solicitor
Mei Guo Partner Solicitor at Brightstone Immigration

Mei Guo

Partner Solicitor
Annie Wang Special Counsel and Accredited Specialist at Brightstone Commercial Law, Corporate Advisory, Litigation, and Dispute Resolution

Annie Wang

Special Counsel | Accredited Specialist (Dispute Resolution)
Stephanie Wong Senior Associate at Brightstone Family Law, Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Stephanie Wong

Senior Associate
William Wang Associate at Brightstone Commercial Law and Corporate Advisory

William Wang

Alex Zhao Associate at Brightstone Criminal Law

Alex Zhao

Sharon Yu Associate at Brightstone Criminal And Traffic Offence

Sharon Yu

Spencer Li Associate at Brightstone Family Law, Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Spencer Li

Lynn Guo Senior Paralegal at Brightstone Real Estate, Commercial Law and Corporate Advisory

Lynn Guo

Senior Paralegal
Cherry Au Yeung Graduate Solicitor at Brightstone Criminal Law and Traffic Offence

Cherry Au-Yeung

Graduate Solicitor
Amy Sun Paralegal at Brightstone Immigration

Amy Sun

Graduate Solicitor
Kandy Chen Customer Service and Office Manager at Brightstone Administrative Department

Kandy Chen

Customer Service and General Office Manager
Stella Han Accountant at Brightstone Financial

Stella Han

Danica Luo Social Media Operation Manager at Brightstone Legal

Danica Luo

Social Media Operation Manager
Chloe Hsu Legal Secretary at Brightstone Legal

Chloe Hsu

Legal Secretary
Coming soon

Niki Li

Notary Assistant

Commercial Law and Corporate Advisory

9+ Services

Dispute Resolution and Litigation

10+ Services

Criminal and Traffic Offence

12+ Services

Real Estate

4+ Services


8+ Services

Family Law

3+ Services

Financial Services

5+ Services

Notary Public

4+ Services

We help with your legal needs today!

Don’t worry, just book a time and talk to our solicitor and we’ll help you.

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